Part IX. Appendices

Table of Contents

A. How this manual was produced
B. JpGraph Professional License
B.1. Single License
B.2. Bulk (Re-seller license)
D. Named color list
E. Available plot marks
E.1. Built in basic plot marks
E.2. Built in image plot marks
E.2.1. Image plot mark: Balls
E.2.2. Image plot mark: Squares
E.2.3. Image plot mark: Diamonds
E.2.4. Image plot mark: Stars
E.2.5. Image plot mark: Bevels
E.2.6. Image plot mark: Pushpins
F. List of all country flags
G. List of files included in the library
H. Error messages
H.1. Core error messages
H.2. QR 2D Barcode error messages
H.3. Datamatrix 2D barcode error messages
I. Compiling PHP
I.1. Compiling PHP4
I.1.1. Client version
I.1.2. Apache module
I.1.3. CGI extension
I.2. Compiling PHP5
I.2.1. Client version
I.2.2. Apache module
I.2.3. CGI extension
J. Setting up PHP5 in parallel with PHP4 in SuSE 10.1
J.1. Configuration files and directories for Apache2 in SuSE 10.1
J.2. Making sure you have the correct Apache2 setup
J.3. Approaches to running multiple PHP versions
J.4. Outline of the remainder of the chapter
J.5. Part I - Installing PHP4
J.5.1. Step one; Compiling PHP4 as a module for Apache2
J.5.2. Step two; Enable the PHP4 module in the Apache2 configuration
J.6. Part II - Creating a virtual host
J.6.1. Step 1; Adding an alias IP-address to Your server
J.6.2. Step 2; Creating different document and cgi roots
J.6.3. Step 3; Configure Apache with a virtual host
J.7. Part III - Installing PHP5
J.8. Part IV - Verifying the setup
J.8.1. Troubleshooting
K. Why it is not possible to add a SVG backend to JpGraph
K.1. Background
K.2. Summary of findings
K.3. Detailing the issue
K.3.1. The core problem
K.3.2. Why is this a problem ?
K.3.3. Possible workarounds
K.3.4. What would be required ?
K.3.5. DOM scripting and GetBBox()
K.3.6. A final comment
L. The JpGraph configuration file